Floating, seamlessly yet gracefully, above each obstacle encountered throughout your equestrian journey.
Behind the collection
Sarah Thomassin is the ambassador of the Cloud collection.
I’m a Canadian rider, originally from Quebec, and have been riding for about 6 years now. My riding journey started in a local pony club after begging my parents for ages to let me take lessons! I quickly outgrew the ponies and had to move barns to where there would be more horses for me to ride, and that’s when I got my first horse, Fairy! I am now lucky enough to have amazing parents that support my passion and am now the mother of four amazing unicorns.
My main man, Imilion (Mimi for short), is a beautiful grey guelding with whom I’ve been competing with for the past two years. The latest addition to the family is Cali Hope Z (Cali for short)! I am super grateful to have him with us now for me to continue to grow and progress with!